Ceric ammonium sulphate titrations are commonly used in analytical chemistry to determine the concentration of various substances, including organic compounds, reducing agents, and metal ions. This titration method is based on the redox reaction between ceric ammonium sulphate and the substance being analyzed. In this article, we will discuss the principles, procedure, and applications of ceric ammonium sulphate titrations.
Ceric ammonium sulphate (CAS) is a powerful oxidizing agent that can be easily reduced by various substances. The reduction of CAS leads to the formation of cerous ammonium sulphate (CAS2), which is a pale yellow color. The reduction process is typically monitored by a visual indicator, such as ferroin or diphenylamine. The end-point of the titration is reached when the color of the indicator changes from blue to pink.
The procedure of ceric ammonium sulphate titration involves several steps. Firstly, the sample is dissolved in a suitable solvent, such as water or methanol. Then, a known volume of CAS solution is added to the sample, followed by the indicator. The titration is carried out by adding a reducing agent, such as iron(II) or hydroquinone, to the sample until the color of the indicator changes. The volume of the reducing agent required to reach the end-point is used to calculate the concentration of the substance being analyzed.
Ceric ammonium sulphate titrations have numerous applications in analytical chemistry. This method can be used to determine the concentration of various organic compounds, such as alcohols, ketones, and aldehydes. It can also be used to quantify the amount of reducing agents, such as ascorbic acid and glucose, in a sample. Additionally, ceric ammonium sulphate titrations can be used to determine the concentration of metal ions, such as iron and copper, in a solution.
To ensure accurate results, it is important to follow certain tips when conducting ceric ammonium sulphate titrations. Firstly, the sample should be dissolved completely in the solvent to ensure uniformity. Secondly, the reducing agent should be added slowly to prevent overshooting the end-point. Thirdly, the indicator should be added in the correct proportion to avoid interference with the titration. Finally, the titration should be repeated at least thrice to obtain a reliable average.
In conclusion, ceric ammonium sulphate titrations are a valuable analytical tool for determining the concentration of various substances. This method is based on the redox reaction between CAS and the substance being analyzed, and is monitored by a visual indicator. The procedure of ceric ammonium sulphate titration involves several steps, including the addition of CAS, the indicator, and the reducing agent. This method has numerous applications in analytical chemistry and can be used to determine the concentration of organic compounds, reducing agents, and metal ions. By following certain tips, accurate results can be obtained.
Source: pharmaceuticaleducation.blogspot.com
Source: www.indiamart.com
Source: www.indiamart.com
Source: byjus.com
Source: www.youtube.com
Source: www.researchgate.net
Source: www.youtube.com
Source: www.researchgate.net