Collecting a family history

Importance of collecting patient family health history

A family health history (PDF) helps physicians and other health care practitioners provide better care for patients.

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A properly collected family history can:

Types of information to be included in family history

Types of information to be included in family history

A family history (PDF) is a lifetime record that patients should provide to all their new physicians when receiving health care.

The history should be detailed, including:

Patients can access the “My Family Health Portrait” to:

Family history and prenatal/pediatric screening

Family history and prenatal/pediatric screening

Patient questionnaires (PDF) can provide useful material to physicians who want to gather information from a couple either prior to pregnancy or during a pregnancy.

Other questionnaires (PDF) can help the health care professional get the necessary history of a child in order to help with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Watch "Family Health History Splainer"

Watch "Family Health History Splainer"

From Geisinger Health System